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Real Money Transaction Processing and Currency Conversion

The User agrees and acknowledges that:

We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that transfers in and out of your account are processed in a timely manner. We give no warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete processing. We cannot be held responsible for delays in the banking networks, failures on part of the processor or actions of other parties involved in the processing of funds that may result in processing delays, reprocessing or reversal of transactions or the seizure or freezing of funds, nor will we be liable for any actual or consequential damages arising from any claim of delay or seizure.

We will not be liable for any actual or consequential damages arising from any claim of delay or loss as a result of invalid, incomplete or erroneous financial or personal data provided by the User with their transfer request.

As part of our licensing agreement and in compliance with anti-money laundering legislation, Users need to be aware they may be required to produce personal documentation (such as Government issued ID, bank statements and utility bills) upon request in order for their transfer to be processed. This allows us to help protect the Users and prevents our platform from being used as a vehicle for money laundering or fraud.

Any cancelled or rejected transfers out of your account will be refunded to your account in the currency and amount debited from your KKPoker Account balance with your original request before currency conversion took place.

Any returned transfers in will be debited from your account in the currency and amount credited to your KKPoker Account balance with your original request after currency conversion took place.

We are not a currency exchange. We are not responsible for any loss due to changes in exchange rate.

The exchange rates are updated throughout each day by the respective third-party payment services provider and it is the User's responsibility to check the applicable rates before proceeding with transactions involving an exchange of currency.

Os produtos e serviços oferecidos pelo KKPoker (por meio de seus sites e aplicativos para dispositivos móveis) são referidos coletivamente como “Serviços”.

O acesso aos Serviços pode não ser legal para residentes ou pessoas localizadas em determinados países. Os serviços fornecidos aqui não constituem oferta, solicitação ou convite do KKPoker para o uso ou assinatura de: apostas, jogos de azar ou outros serviços em qualquer jurisdição em que tais atividades sejam proibidas por lei. Particularmente, residentes ou pessoas localizadas nos Estados Unidos não devem usar nenhum dos nossos Serviços.

O KKPoker é uma marca e um nome comercial registrados e exclusivos da Aceking IOM Limited, 49 Victoria Street, Douglas, Ilha de Man, IM1 2LD.

Regulado e licenciado pela Comissão de Supervisão de Jogos da Ilha de Man de acordo com a Lei de Regulamentação de Jogos On-line de 2001, desde 24 de julho de 2019 (Última renovação: 24 de julho de 2019). Menores de 18 anos não estão autorizados a criar contas e/ou participar dos jogos. Quaisquer depósitos ou ganhos com o KKPoker são seguros e podem ser aplicados pela lei da Ilha de Man.